
Saturday 17 July 2010

these are the scars deep in your heart

30 Day Letter Challenge Day Thirty. Your reflection in the mirror.

Dear Self,

You are like the ugly duckling; you weren't much to look at when you were going through junior high and high school. The crazy hair, the braces, bad skin, baggy clothes, scrawny kid; nothing changed during those years. But in the last few years you have become an elegant woman. True, there are days when you still have crazy hair but you play it off as the weather permits, the bad skin is only due to hormones (which means nothing can be done so deal by covering it up with concealer!), nothing to wear, and uncomfortable in your own skin. 
BUT. You have beautiful natural waves so play them up! You will never have bad teeth again so keep them good. Always keep your skin clean and moisturized. You have an amazing wardrobe and should give some of it away to those who have nothing. And you have a fantastic body. I mean, look at that tanned skin, those long toned legs, those strong hands and arms! You have come a long way from what you use to be. And it isn't always easy when you look at other girls. But you don't wear make-up and can't expect to look certain ways without it. You are nothing that you aren't, you have never pretended to be. And that's what makes me love you most. Never change that; never be something you aren't for anyone. I'm so proud of you.

Love You Incredibly Much.

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