
Thursday, 8 July 2010

if everything goes wrong keep singing this song

30 Day Letter Challenge Day Twenty-One. Someone you judged by their first impression.

Dear Brandi

       I guess I kinda judged you on your first impression seeing as you were my grade 6 buddy when I was in grade 2. Well I guess I thought you were really cool because I remembered you from then when we met again. And I was totally right but you were also a lot cooler than what I thought too.

       You have become a Godly woman I look up to with great respect and are one of my mentor's who I feel like I can come to with any problem whatsoever and you will give me an answer full of wisdom and love. You also supply good laughs :) 

        So I guess my first impression of you wasn't bad or wrong but it was far narrower than our relationship now is like. Thanks for being there for me.

In Love,

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