
Wednesday, 6 January 2010


First post of the new year!

Today was the first day of classes. Oh man.

1) Shakespeare = love. I could care less that I barely know the people in that class that I know. It's freaking Shakespeare. And as my prof put it he is greater than Chaucer. Haha!

2) History scares me. It's a freaking intro class and that prof is making it seem like a 400 level. Seriously. Ugh. BUT if I'm lucky the cute guy who sits in front and to the side of me will not have dropped out of that class. *fingers crossed*

3) (Religion) Christian History scares me. We have to do a one page writing assignment every week. Do profs think that we have nothing better to do and have money spilling out of our many pores? Do they not think that some people are actually living on their own trying to make money to go to school AND pay for rent AND food? Give us a break and at least cut it down to every other week.

4) English tomorrow. But I have Tawnya and Sarah B. in that class with me so its all good.

Uh. Yes. I would say more but people are always watching >_>



Peter said...

Sarah Borst? I know Sarah!

McFly said...

Actually it's Sarah Black.

You might know her; she went to high school with us.