
Thursday, 5 November 2009


~ Today, I ordered burritos online to pick up at Freeb!rds. I put the order name under 'Voldemort' just for fun. When I got home to eat, I pulled out my burrito and it said 'He who must not be named' on top. I'm still smiling. MLIA

~ Today, I went to go get the rubber bands changed on my third set of braces. It was a new orthodontist, so when I told him I wanted red and gold, I was expecting him to say "McDonalds?" like the last three orthodontist I had. He looked at me with a straight face and said "Gryffindor?" I think I found my permanant orthodontist. MLIA

~ Today, my boyfriend embarrassedly admitted that one of the reasons he asked me out is that I look like Ginny Weasley. I started to laugh hysterically. He looked offended until I calmed myself enough to explain that one of the reasons I accepted him is that he looks like Harry Potter. MLIA.

~ Today, I was reading FML in my dorm, when suddenly two guys ran up behind me and tackled me to the ground. A third guy quickly typed something and they all ran off. I sat up to find MLIA. Consider me converted. MLIA

~ Today, as I was leaving my class, I heard my professor yell "Stop!" I froze. My professor proceeded to run in front on me, and jump on a particularly crunchy leaf. He walked off, and I thought no more of it, until I got +10% on my next test, with the note: For satisfying my inner child. MLIA.

~ When I was little I would write my initials on my one dollar bills before I spent them. Today, I bought a cup of coffee and my change included a dollar bill with my initials in the corner. I've waited 10 years for this to happen. It's bound to be a good day. MLIA

~ Today I saw a hot guy that was singing the Pokemon theme song at the top of his lungs during our PE class. I sang along with him, and afterwards, he came up to me and said "I chose you, Pikachu," and handed me a pokeball. I opened it, and read the message inside. Guess who's got a date for prom? MLIA

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