
Monday, 22 October 2007

Othello y Love

Oh, how Othello put it so soundly! About how love sometimes is too much of that desire of flesh.

1 comment:

yeti said...

oh dear, i do happen to be busy saturday... well i am hopefully going to calgary for the weekend. so that works not for me. tis a shame.
it gets so dark so early to do a picnic on much of anyother day, i do fear it is 6:30 a now and the sun is already in its bed. fathom with me friend, how can this be done?
Alas, we could just go another day, and fight the dark with the fiersest of light, wednesday, anytime after 10 in the am really, works for me, or perhaps a next monday, we shant wait too long or i shall be saddened beyond recovery by your absents.
Woe, woe to those befriended, for a friendship, such a valueble thing is yet so easily cracked... and when there after so much has been spent with nothing to show,
with no further adu
so we should deffinatly hang out soon. we could post pone picnic due to the early darkening of the sky and just go for say tea!
i remember reading othello. I do say i think it is awesome you got something out of it, cause shakespear was proabaly brilliant, and his works overtly display that, but only to those with the sharpest eyes, and well, it all went over my head, which is really to bad you know.